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OeKB > ESG Data Hub

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The ESG questionnaire

The OeKB > ESG Data Hub is free of charge for all companies. This includes all basic functions such as completing the questionnaire, regularly managing the sustainability profile, and viewing the results.

You require the following information

Completing the ESG questionnaire

In the following, you will find several examples of relevant documents as well as people and departments with specialist expertise that can assist you in answering the questions. This list should not be viewed as final, but is intended to give you a better understanding of where the required data can be found or whom you can ideally turn to for assistance.

You can add multiple employees from your company as users in order to be able to complete the questionnaire together. In this way, questions can easily be assigned to appropriate colleagues with relevant knowledge and access to the corresponding internal information. This will allow the process to be quick and efficient.


Relevant documents

  • Sustainability reports
  • Company strategy and mission statement
  • Management systems and internal manuals
  • Financial reports
  • Energy invoices
  • Environmental reports and internal overviews
  • Analyses of insurance reports

People and departments with specialist expertise

  • Human resources
  • Energy engineers
  • Internal controlling and accounting
  • Environmental officers
  • Executive assistants

Additional data is required for the sector-specific ESG questionnaire, which differs according to the relevant sector. The following list indicates which data must be supplied for the sector-specific ESG questionnaire. The items in square brackets [] do not apply in the case of SMEs.

Recognising potential and utilising data

Comparative analysis

The aim is not just to provide an evaluation, but also to establish a common standard by means of the OeKB > ESG Data Hub and to achieve an efficient exchange of data in the area of ESG that is transparent for everyone. OeKB has deliberately opted against a conventional scoring system, because scores are often difficult to verify in a transparent manner. For this reason, the OeKB > ESG Data Hub provides an overview of the company performance in the areas of business, environment, social, and governance. For each of the four areas, there is a colour-coded “traffic light” system in which questions are grouped together that must be evaluated in a clear and objective manner. These are subdivided into answers that need to be evaluated unambiguously as positive, negative, or neutral. You can view the precise evaluation criteria in our detailed interpretation overview.

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Business illustrative image
Environmental illustrative image
Social illustrative image
Governance illustrative image
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Some of the questions are to be answered in tabular form. The tables can be updated annually. Completing one of these tables is generally viewed as a positive, because it means that more information is being made available.

Finally, there is an analysis of the number of questions for which the company performed better or worse than the average for the participating companies. You can also find the questions that are included in this analysis as well as the interpretation of answers in the interpretation overview.

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